Review: Christine Feehan – Murder At Sunrise Lake

Two Stars
Christine Feehan - Murder At Sunrise Lake

Sunrise Lake #1

“Did you just make a joke? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you make a joke.”

Harlow Frye

I was expecting much better from Christine Feehan than what this book provided. Unfortunately, this book was excruciating to get into and didn’t hold my attention until well into the second half.

A big part of my issue with the early part of the book is that it is description-heavy. The landscape is idyllic. The women are all insanely beautiful. Stella’s history, once revealed, is repeated multiple times as it is told to each additional person. To be blunt, I found it boring.

As I got further, it became apparent that this was the beginning of a series, not a stand-alone novel. Each gorgeous woman has a tragic backstory that I expect will be resolved in future books. There is nothing wrong with that, and the women use that to grow closer together as events unfold.

Stella and Sam never grew on me as a couple. Part of this may be that they fall into the typical mold for a Feehan couple; from their descriptions, they might as well be a couple from her Carpathian series. He’s all dark, angular features, and she’s stunningly beautiful. Another part might be that I didn’t feel drawn into the story until it was three-quarters of the way over.

The mystery aspect was well done, and I kept guessing who the villain would be revealed to be. However, exactly how the dreams works seem to change as the book progresses. The first dream seems to be a repetition of the same dream with more detail added each time. Others seem to add more time leading up to the crime.

In the end, I was glad for this book to be over. I own the second book, so I will eventually read that one too. However, I will likely abandon the series if it drags as much as this one.

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