Stephanie Laurens – Tangled Reins

5 Stars
Stephanie Laurens - Tangled Reins

“I thought only Cecily threw things!”

Marc Henry, Marquis of Hazelmere

It’s fun to go back and read earlier books from a favorite author. Sometimes it’s a reason to be grateful that the writer has changed their style, but not in this case. Stephanie Laurens’ debut novel is a light-hearted romp through Regency England.

Dorothea starts Laurens’ recurring trait of strong, independent heroines who will only marry if they want. She is determined to enjoy her spinsterhood but looks forward to the London season to find a match for her sister Cecily. While she is willing to let Marc lead when it comes to their courtship, she is more than ready to stand her ground and go toe-to-toe with him when they argue.

Marc is enchanted with her from their first meeting and is determined to make her his Marchioness. It is fun to watch them play the courtship dance in Regency society while trying not to let the other know about their feelings. While Marc dreaming of her emerald eyes can be a little over the top, I prefer the eyes to other body parts. He loves and has a healthy respect for his mother, but I found it hilarious when he, in essence, ran and hid from her to avoid interrogation.

This is a fluffy book, so there isn’t a considerable amount of plot beyond the courtships of the Misses Darent. Some adventure does happen in the latter half of the book, dragging them out of London to the countryside. I found it very interesting that Laurens touched on how the ton saw the Prince Regent, which is the primary reason behind the strict social structure.

Tangled Reins is an impressive debut novel and a fun return to the romance novel scene of 1992.

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