Nadine C. Keels – Eubeltic Virtue

5 Stars
Nadine C. Keels - Eubeltic Virtue

Eubeltic Realm #3

“In all honesty, when you and I were introduced, I assumed you could hear because you speak.”

King Zacharias of Diachona

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in return for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Nadine has a beautiful talent for bringing her characters to life. Each is unique and brings a distinct voice and view to the Eubeltic realm.

Eubeltic Virtue is the third book in the Eubeltic Realm series after Eubeltic Descent and Eubeltic Quest and takes up right where they left off, so I recommend reading those first. However, there is enough recap so readers can dive into this book without feeling lost.

Zacharias is the young ruler of the Eubeltic Realm and is impetuous but has an open heart for his people. However, his desire to be a strong leader and understand the different peoples he governs is sometimes at odds with what his advisors and mother want.

Despite her past health issues and heartaches, Valorie is a bubbly and cheerful young woman. Being deaf doesn’t stop her from enjoying life and whatever adventures her brother’s position brings her way. I love her upbeat attitude and zest for life.

This is a sweet tale of blending cultures and experiences while growing together as people. I loved watching Zacharias and Valorie blossom as a couple.

This is a quick, easy read that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a clean romance.

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