Ilona Andrews – Magic Burns

Four Stars

Kate Daniels #2

Ilona Andrews - Magic Burns

“This might be a hunch, but I think you don’t like me.”

Kate Daniels

Like with many series, this second book was better than the first. I loved seeing different mythologies woven into the world, and Bran certainly kept everyone on their toes.

Kate’s treks across Atlanta show off more of the new reality and breathes more life into the city. Average citizens roll with the changes, and normal now includes crazy pets, ever-changing neighborhoods, and dodging mythological creatures. While Celtic mythology took center stage, there is definitely an opening for other mythologies taking precedence in future books.

While the world expanded and the storyline was pretty solid, the lead characters didn’t fare as well. I liked Kate better in this book. She was more emotionally stable and focused on the issues in front of her. Julie was a confusing character for me. Something about how she acted and was described kept making me visualize her as 7 or 8, not 13. Bran toed that fine line between aggravating the other character and being a sympathetic character.

Curran was the worst of the main cast. Kate clearly thinks he hates her; others say that he is flirting with her, and he is all over the map personality-wise. Curran throwing personal things that Kate said earlier back in her face makes me lean towards believing Kate’s view of his attitude. That scene came off as unreasonably cruel after everything that happened.

I will check out the third book in the series, and hopefully, it improves even more than this book.

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