Christine Feehan – Dark Tarot

3 Stars
Christine Feehan - Dark Tarot

“You’re definitely the bossy type. I got that right away.”

Adalasia Ravasio

After the high of Dark SongDark Tarot felt like a let-down. This felt like a reunion book without it truly being a reunion. Too many locations and faces detracted from the leading pair, and I never came to like Adalasia.

Anyone who has not read the rest of this lengthy series will quickly feel lost. Sandu and Adalasia embark on a road trip that sends them globe-trotting. It was nice to see some older characters, but at the same time, I kept having flashbacks to Dark Celebration, which was a much better reunion of different couples.

While they were present, the book never truly focused on the leading pair of characters. Instead, the focus was on all the other characters around them, which is a large cast of new and old characters. With over 30 pairs in the series history, I sometimes had to stop and try to recollect who certain characters were as they reappeared and then usually disappeared just as quickly.

New revelations about the world look like they will lead to exciting developments in the future, especially as far as the “beast” is concerned. But this book failed to live up to my expectations for a romance novel from Christine Feehan.

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