Review: Christine Feehan – Dark Prince (Author’s Cut)

3 Stars
Christine Feehan - Dark Prince

Dark/Carpathian #1

“You’re proposing to me with a carload of assassins approaching?”

Raven Whitney

It has been years since I last read this book, and it has not aged as well as I remembered. However, it is still a great introduction to the world of the Carpathians, their struggles against infertility, and this world’s version of vampires.

Mikhail is the first Carpathian to rediscover his emotions through a human lifemate, but that excuse doesn’t forgive his psychic sexual assault on Raven early on. Interestingly, as he gets better as a character, I like Raven less and less.

I loved Father Hummer and truly enjoyed his interactions with Mikhail and Raven. It is an underused aspect of the genre to show a reconciliation between religion and vampire-like species. While infrequent, this does occur again later in the series, with Dark Destiny coming immediately to mind.

This book sets the groundwork for the thirty-plus books that follow and is worth reading from that aspect. Raven and Mikhail are not among my favorite couples, but they are the start, and he is the Prince, which means this is not the last that we see of them.

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