Review: Aileen Adams’ A Laird’s Promise

Four Stars
Aileen Adams - A Laird's Promise

Highland Heartbeats #1

“And if it wasn’t for your kidnapping me, I wouldn’t have had to try to escape, would I?”

Sarah MacDonald

I picked up this book when it was offered for free last year, and it languished in my never read pile for quite a while. I finally cracked it open.

Phillip Duncan, the Laird of his Highland clan, is desperate to save his brother, Jake, who was wounded in battle. The local healer has not been able to heal him, so Phillip decides to bring in a healer that he’s heard about who may be able to save him. Sarah MacDonald is a healer that lives with her abusive drunkard of a father and her younger sister. Her life is turned upside down when Phillip kidnaps her and hies off to highlands without a word.

Sarah’s desperation to return to her sister is her driving motivation. That doesn’t stop her from making every effort to help her unexpected patient or from finding a kindred spirit in Phillip. I do have to question her decision to believe the word of a proven liar without at least trying to verify the information first.

Phillip’s desire to protect is a large part of his personality. His love for his brother compels him to kidnap Sarah from an area where his clan is not welcome. Despite this beginning, he is respectful towards Sarah. He is willing to follow her lead when she has more experience and backs her up when others question her instructions.

This book only took me a few hours to finish and is a light read. If you are looking for a clean romance set in historical Scotland, this book is worth a look.

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