Anthology – On The Prowl

Two Stars
Anthology - On the Prowl

“…if I’m yours, then you damned well are going to be mine.”

Anna Latham

I picked up this anthology for Alpha & Omega, hoping to find some new Urban Fantasy authors along the way. Unfortunately, the other three novellas were mediocre, overdone to the point of ludicrousness, and outright erotica.

5 Stars

Patricia Briggs – Alpha & Omega

I really like Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson books, so it is no wonder that I enjoy the intro to the spin-off Alpha & Omega series. It is short but shows a new aspect of this world. Charles and Anna are a fun, new couple with a different dynamic. As always, Patricia does not shy away from the aftermath of trauma. Anna is beaten down but blossoms once she knows that she has someone in her corner.

I look forward to reading more from this spin-off series.

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3 Stars

Eileen Wilks – Inhuman

The world is an interesting twist on the unexplained magical burst changing the world trope. Magic and unexpected creatures running amok sound cool. It’s just a pity that the characters aren’t as vibrant. Kai is either fretting about hiding the truth about her abilities or mooning over Nathan. Nathan has an interesting plot reveal, but his personality irked me. That he is quickly willing to turn his back on everything that he’s been building in recent years over a possibility that something bad could happen to Kai rubbed me the wrong way. I’m not saying that his final decision was wrong, but some contemplation about any potential fallout would have been nice.

I don’t think I’ll be looking into any of the books in this series.

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Two Stars

Karen Chance – Buying Trouble

Trouble is definitely what these characters get into. They go from one fiasco to another even more ridiculous situation multiple times throughout the novella. Throw in some very dubious consent issues, and you have a series that I have no interest in touching again.

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Sunny – Mona Lisa Betwining

This novella clearly follows another book and expects that you have read it. That is not a deal-breaker, but the rest of the novella is.

This author clearly took inspiration from Laurell K. Hamilton, and I do not mean that as a compliment. The majority of this novella is explicit sex scenes. Different partners, different orifices, and a minimal plot is all that this novella contains.


In hindsight, I should have purchased the e-book version of Alpha & Omega. It was the only one that I enjoyed of the four. I usually have bad luck with anthologies, but not to the point of only having one novella worth reading.

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