Erica Vetsch – The Lost Lieutenant

Four Stars
Erica Vetsch - The Lost Lieutenant

Serendipity & Secrets #1

“You don’t say no to the Prince Regent.”

Evan Eldridge

Evan and Diana both have good reflexes, which is needed when they constantly react to others’ whims and demands. It doesn’t mean that they are pushovers. It’s tough to stand up to your abusive father or say no to a capricious ruler who considers you a new favorite. But watching them muddle through and prevail is well worth it.

Evan and Diana both have a history that haunts them. Diana has always been beaten down by her father and brother and is determined to protect Cian, her nephew. Evan is afraid of being committed because he suffers from PTSD and cannot remember the battle he is commended for. Thrown together into married life, they work hard to move past their hurts and get closer to each other. They definitely make mistakes along the way, but those growing pains were not frustrating, except for one long sulk from Evan.

They get plenty of help from an amusing cast of supporting characters. Marcus, who has a caustic mother, steps in to help Evan find his feet after Prinny launches him into the aristocracy. Marcus is Evan’s first and strongest supporter, even though he clearly has ulterior motives. I like that he was willing to tell Evan off when he was in the wrong. Likewise, Sergeant Shand and the ragtag collection of servants and helpers at White Haven are an entertaining and loyal bunch.

There is plenty of drama but also sparks of fun. One of my favorite scenes is the arrival at White Haven. I loved how the different reactions highlighted the various personalities, especially out of the shadow of London society. But, it was not what anyone expected for an Earl’s estate, that’s for sure.

This was the first of Erica Vetsch’s novels that I’ve read. I will keep an eye out for more of her books, starting with the next book in this series, The Gentleman Spy.

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