Anthology – The Bite Before Christmas

Four Stars
Anthology - The Bite Before Christmas

“Someone who fires your blood, challenges your mind, keeps you on your toes, and has your back.”

Teddy Brunswick

This duo of holiday Urban Fantasy novellas is a mixed bag. I didn’t like The Gift, but I loved Home for the Holidays. I’m not impressed with the Argeneau vampires, but I want to read more about Bones’ and Cat’s makeshift family.

The Gift – Lynsay Sands

Two Stars

The Gift has all the absurdity of an Argeneau novel which makes sense because it features one of them. So, if you enjoy that series, this novella might be worth your time. Unfortunately, I got irritated with them a while ago, and this one did nothing to change my mind.

Little Teddy is desperate to be the star of this story. Of course, it is an exaggeration, but it felt like every paragraph had some mention of him or how he was feeling. If that wasn’t annoying enough, big Teddy was a moron. His wishy-washiness and refusal to understand situations were frustrating, to say the least. He has a lot of good characteristics, but they are outweighed by the bad ones.

Katricia is an ancient Argeneau immortal with all the zaniness that comes from living that long. Or, maybe it’s genetic to the Argeneau? Either way, she has some crazy traits but isn’t nearly as frustrating as Teddy.

There were some fun parts to the story, but they were overshadowed by the irritating ones.

Home For The Holidays – Jeaniene Frost

5 Stars

I read the first Night Huntress novel eons ago, but this novella makes me want to dive back into that world. Bones and Cat are a loving couple willing to fight for each other against all odds. Ian is a rascal with a heart of gold when it comes to those he cares about. These bonds carry them through the challenging circumstances they face in this story.

What starts as a fun birthday for Bones quickly morphs into a life-and-death fight for loved ones. There’s action and emotion, along with some sparks of humor. The plot kept the stakes high, even though I am less invested in these characters than someone who’s been reading the series.

I adored this cast of characters and will be adding this series to my list of books to read sooner rather than later.

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