Hannah Linder – Beneath His Silence

3 Stars
Hannah Linder - Beneath His Silence

“I fear I shall be eternally lost in these endless halls.”

Ella Pemberton

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in return for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

If you are looking for a Gothic, Regency novel like Wuthering Heights or Jane EyreBeneath His Silence is worth checking out. The haunting atmosphere is captured perfectly. Unfortunately, the continuing melodrama got to me and moved it down the list of books I would revisit.

What do you do when there are lingering questions about your sister’s death that no one is willing to answer? You go looking for those answers yourself. That’s Ella’s plan anyway.

A lot of history is buried in Wyckhorn and in Henry, Lord Sedgewick’s, heart. He is so used to the rumors and whispering that he refuses to answer any of the charges hurled at him. Instead, he works diligently to protect his son and the only spot of happiness in his life.

Ella is a refreshing breath of fresh air in the manor. I really like her spunk at the beginning. However, as things progress, she seems to lose her ability to speak her mind. Even as she and Henry get closer, they are less willing to talk things out, which is a big pet peeve of mine.

For those who love drama, this book is perfect. There is minimal downtime as different types of storms batter Wyckhorn. Thankfully, Peter is a cute little ray of sunshine through most of it and is the most cheerful character in the book. He is a source of joy for Henry and Ella as they slog through various trials.

There are elements that I enjoy in Beneath His Silence. Still, the continuing depressive atmosphere dragged on my enjoyment until I was glad to be finished. Those looking for a haunting, gothic read will likely enjoy this book more than I did.

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