Nadine C. Keels – Eubeltic Descent

5 Stars
Nadine C. Keels - Eubeltic Descent

Eubeltic Realm #1

“There’s nothing wrong with finding a place you belong.”


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in return for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Nadine has a way of taking characters that would not usually be the main character and making their stories shine. Abigaia is a delightful main character, and her journey is a fantastic tale of finding home.

Abigaia’s life has not been easy. That doesn’t stop her from trying to be better and reach out to other people, even when they won’t reciprocate. Different people have expectations of her that don’t always align with what she wants or desires. She is by no means perfect. Old habits die hard and have shattering consequences. All the same, it is fun to watch Abigaia enter a new environment, meet new friends, and learn to stand up for herself and others.

There is a large cast of other characters that work for and against what she wants from life. It is a coming of age story as old friends might be left behind and new friends found. Daun and Valorie especially stand out as the welcome Abigaia to Topaz and show her that she is not alone in her disability like she has always felt.

This is a short, clean read with many themes beyond the budding romance. It is well worth taking the time to read.

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